The white line (Latin: linea alba ) is a fibrous structure that runs down the midline of the abdomen in humans and other vertebrates. Learn more about its anatomy at Kenhub! A has az egyik leggyakrabban “problémás területnek” nevezett részünk.

Fiúk a sörpocakot, lányok a szülés után ott maradt pocakot akarják. At its lower end the linea alba has a double attachment—its superficial fibers passing in front of the medial heads of the Recti to the symphysis pubis, while its.

Differences in linea alba stiffness and linea alba distortion

Linea alba

A has közepén összefonódott kötőszövet a linea alba. Medical definition of linea alba: a median vertical tendinous line on the mammalian abdomen formed of fibers from the aponeuroses of the two rectus abdominis. The function of the linea alba is to maintain the abdominal muscles at a certain proximity to each other. In the case of long-lasting increased intra-abdominal. In the usual hernia of the linea alba, preperitoneal fat bulges through a small defect.

The linea alba is wider above the umbilicus and more prone to penetration. Excessive undermining of the subcutaneous tissues is avoided because the fascia of the linea alba receives some blood supply from overlying subcutaneous.

Linea alba rectus abdominis sheath and epigastric

Linea alba

Part of our midline anatomy and our primary guide for body alignment. From pelvis to chest, pubic symphysis to. Diagram showing (A) normal linea alba and peritoneal membrane.

Midline hernia through the peritoneal membrane and linea alba. As Sabatier informs us, it was the method adopted by Soleyres. It is formed by fusion and interlacing of fibers of the anterior and. Click on the image (or right click) to open the source. Clean the linea alba of fat for a few millimeters on each side of the midline to help. Confirm the midline by the visible decussation of fibers at the linea alba. This is a hyperkeratotic lesion caused by.

Do you already know the name of the product you are looking for? Save time, use the search function for immediate results. To (1) investigate the impact of DRA, measurement site, and task on inter-rectus distance (IRD), linea alba (LA) stiffness, and LA distortion. Linea Alba Orange-i love chocolate. CATHETER INSERTION THROUGH LINEA ALBA – INITIAL EXPERIENCE.

PD catheter insertion technique through linea – alba.

The normal width of the linea alba in nulliparous women

Linea alba

A fibrous structure that runs down the midline of. Synonym: Hunter-Linie Englisch: white line. Congenital hernia at the linea alba. Lawrence Hospital, Bronxville, N. Clinical Synopsis Toggle Dropdown.

These muscles attach to the linea alba (meaning “white line”) which runs from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis. Causes1: Sustained intra-abdominal. Oldal lefordítása  9:56 Educational Video created by Dr.